


这些生活机会围绕着一套共同的价值观或理想,并提供给那些有兴趣与其他有相似兴趣或背景的学生联系的人. 其中一些生活机会需要一项旨在维护社区标准和同伴责任的合同协议, and/or have expectations about participation.

If you are interested in proposing a 体验式生活机会 for 2024-25 提交提案.


Returning students need to update their Person Information by March 1 at 8 a.m. If you update your ELO preferences for 女性领导, Gender Inclusive and/or Substance Free between March 1 and March 11, email housing@boy4life.com to be manually added to these room selection processes. If you are a part of other groups like Honors, 1804学者和链接你参加的项目将由你的项目协调员通知住房.

Incoming first year students need to update their Personal Information by May 6 at 8 a.m. If you update your ELO preferences for 女性领导, Gender Inclusive, 新的冒险 and/or Substance Free between May 6 and May 15, email housing@boy4life.com to be manually added to these room selection processes. If you are a part of other groups like Honors, 1804 Scholars, 你参加的项目将由你的项目协调员通知住宿部.


1804 Scholars : Gender Inclusive住房 : Pride : Substance Free : 女性领导

LINKS : Honors Halls : 新的冒险 : Residential Learning Communities

1804 Scholars

The 1804 Scholars is a residential program that requires all first-year students to reside in Boyd Hall.  Second years have the option of returning to Boyd Hall but are not required.  位于West Green, Boyd Hall is named for newbb电子平台’s first female graduate, 玛格丽特·博伊德(1873届), and features the brand new West Nest engagement area and dining at The District on West Green. The bike path, athletic facilities, and Baker Center are within easy walking distance of Boyd Hall. This community will help you share experiences, 建立社区, and make lifelong friendships as you launch your academic career as an 1804 Scholar.


学生人数: 第一年/第二年

Gender Inclusive住房

Gender Inclusive的住房选择侧重于在校园内提供房间,学生可以与任何学生住在同一个房间-无论性别, gender, 性别认同/表达式, 或者性取向.

Gender Inclusive的房间可以在校园的各个大厅中找到,这些房间与男性和女性房间策略性地混合在一起. 通常,Gender Inclusive的房间靠近我们的单用户浴室,这是独立的浴室,没有特定的性别标识. 在胡佛之家的骄傲体验生活机会之外的Gender Inclusive房间没有任何额外的GIH/骄傲项目关注他们的生活体验.

为了有机会与不同性别的室友匹配,并在选择房间时查看可用的Gender Inclusive住房空间,您需要更新您的“个人信息”选项卡 住房自助服务

Gender Inclusive住房 Frequently Asked Questions


学生人数: 第一年/第二年


The Pride Experiential Living Opportunity is a place where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Ally, Queer (et. 有性别认同的学生可以在他们的生活环境中感到安全和支持,而不需要考虑他们的性别认同, 性别表达, 和/或性取向. 这个社区将给学生提供一个空间,在那里他们可以自由地做自己,同时支持和获得同龄人的支持.

这次体验的住宿顾问将与大楼的住宿主任和骄傲中心主任密切合作,创造一个安全的生活体验, comfortable, and engaging. Collectively, programming efforts will focus on the interests of the residents, LGBTQ issues, 社区参与. 现代风格的生活体验将鼓励一个封闭和开放的社区,Pride楼层的所有空间都是Gender Inclusive的.

Pride Experiential Living Opportunity Application
Gender Inclusive住房 Frequently Asked Questions



Substance Free

无物质生活机会是为有意识选择无物质生活方式的学生提供的居住环境. All residents of substance free housing commit to keep their living environment free of alcohol, drugs, 烟草制品.

To be able to view available spaces in this hall for room selection, update your "Personal Information" tab on your 住房自助服务 选择之前.




The 女性领导 Living Opportunity is home to domestic and international female students. Residents of Voigt strive to build a strong, inclusive community where women can grow and develop together into strong female leaders. Voigt是一个充满活力和创造力的社区,为那些想要建立持久友谊和积极经历的女性提供服务. Residents of the female only housing community agree to specific rules regarding male visitors. Male guests are allowed to visit Voigt Hall but are prohibited from staying overnight in the hall.

To be able to view available spaces in this hall for room selection, update your "Personal Information" tab on your 住房自助服务 选择之前.

Location: Voigt Hall (East Green)



LINKS生活机会是为一年级和二年级的多元文化学生设计的,他们是LINKS项目的一部分. A partnership with the Division of Diversity and Inclusion, 这个生活机会的重点是为有色人种的一年级学生提供机会,让他们在LINKS项目中与其他学生建立联系,同时培养健康技能, engagement, 和领导能力, to support the transition to newbb电子平台. The program will provide individualized peer mentoring and advising with Multicultural Center staff, along with specialized sessions to inform and prepare students for leadership, scholarship, and professional development opportunities on newbb电子平台’s Athens campus and beyond.

To express interest in the LINKS ELO follow these steps:

  1. Visit the LINKS webpage 有关该计划的更多信息
  2. Select the Sign Up For LINKS button and complete the associated survey
  3. Utilize MyOHIORoomie 通过在你的个人资料中列出链接,并选择你对链接计划感兴趣的问题,来找到一个潜在的室友
  4. You will need to apply for this program by May 6 at 11:59 p.m. 要符合资格

Location: Gamertsfelder Hall (East Green)


Honors Hall

Challenge your mind, build your network, and continue the conversation outside the classroom.

位于东绿地, Gamertsfelder Hall容纳了许多来自荣誉辅导学院(HTC)和其他大学奖学金项目的学生(见下文)。. The hall features multiple study and community spaces for students to read, 与项目小组会面, or just relax. 该大厅接待访问学者,鼓励他们与学生进行非正式和有计划的互动. Gamertsfelder Hall is located near Jefferson Marketplace, Earl's Coop, 教育学院, 和美术学院综合大楼. It is within easy walking distance to uptown Athens and the College Green. To learn more about this community, visit the Honor's Tutorial College residence halls page.


Location: Gamertsfelder Hall (East Green)



新的冒险 is newbb电子平台's Outdoor Orientation Program. The off-campus experience will take place prior to the start of your first year at OHIO. 学生旅行领队将帮助你学习如何参加三个为期一周的野外探险. 新冒险的学生将能够选择与其他新冒险参与者进入同一栋楼,以便在您从旅行返回后继续进行社区活动! 

The 新的冒险 registration deadline is TBD. 了解更多并申请


学生人数: First Year

Residential Learning Communities

Residential Learning Communities(RLC)是为学生提供的正式课程分组,提供住宿部分,将学术探索与newbb电子平台相结合. The academic components of RLC are coordinated through University College’s Learning Community Programs, which also offers a large number of non-residential learning communities. 住房和居住生活工作与大学学院合作,以加强RLC的学术成分,并在我们的宿舍内提供社区成长和发展的机会.


The Fine Arts RLC offers unique academic and creative opportunities for students from a variety of Fine Arts interests; including dance, music, theater, and art. 在RLC内, there are multiple “Experience the Arts” academic options, 为学生提供相关课程,并在他们的生活空间内提供排练和工作室空间. Lincoln Hall houses a dance and an art studio space, 音乐和电脑休息室, 灵活的多用途空间. Lincoln Hall is located across the street from Putnam, Glidden, 和Seigfred Halls, which house the schools representing the College of Fine Arts. Visit the 美术学习社区页面 for information about faculty and staff serving the RLC, 学术服务, and to see pictures of participants and program facilities.


参加 Army ROTC RLC will live in Convocation Center on West Green. 陆军后备军官训练队学习社区支持陆军后备军官训练队学生的学术探索和社区参与. This learning community group is by invitation only from the groups' commanders.

转学生社区:亚当斯 & Bromley Halls 

参加转学生社区的学生将住在南格林的亚当斯大厅或西格林的布罗姆利大厅. 转学生社区为即将到来的秋季学期转移或搬迁到俄亥俄州的学生提供社区参与. This community will connect students to campus, 给雅典社区, and to others within the residential environment. For more Transfer Student Community information and to apply, visit the First Year and Student Transitions webpage.

转学生也可以访问或 transfer page for more options and details regarding housing.